Military Prison vs Civilian Prison – There Is More Than What Meets The Eye!

Military Prison vs Civilian Prison

Most people in the United States have only heard about state and federal prisons and their lifestyles. The majority of individuals, on the other hand, have no understanding of military prisons. In terms of lifestyle, what is the difference between a military and a civilian prison? Are Fights Common in Military and Civilian Prisons? Military … Read more

Prison Tattoos And Their Meanings – The Truth Will ACTUALLY Shock You!

Prison Tattoos And Their Meanings

Prison Tattoos represent the symbolism of ancient times. You will come across 9/10 prisoners who tattooed one of the tattoo symbols to express something, a context which we will be discussing in the details below. Prison tattoos are prevalent among inmates, and many of them get tattooed for several reasons. It is practiced among the … Read more

Can You Get Kosher Food In Prison? Its Faith Versus The Faculty!

Can You Get Kosher Food In Prison

For Jewish inmates across the country and around the world, the fight for can you get kosher food in prison is about more than just the ability to eat what they want; it’s about reconnecting with their roots and a heritage that many have put behind them. Even for those without formal Jewish education or … Read more

Why Did FPSRussia Go to Prison and How Did The Case Come to an End?

Why Did FPSRussia Go to Prison

FPSRussia had his massive fan following over YouTube. His central topic included different explosives and firearms of various models, including a Bofors 40mm automatic anti-aircraft cannon, golden AK 47 and a 50 BMG rifle. However, he was charged and went to prison for a couple of reasons we will be discussing in the next section.  … Read more

What Happens If You Are Found Innocent After Being In Prison- Justice Denied Or Served!

Innocent After Being In Prison

A steady rise in exonerations in recent years, frequently as a result of modern DNA-testing technology, has pushed people to ask what happens if you are found innocent after being in prison.  Politicians in states now propose legislation that ensures compensation for people falsely convicted and imprisoned.  Statistics Of The Wrongfully Convicted  Since 1989, 2,000 falsely … Read more