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Pennsylvania Inmate Search

We have list down detail records of inmates incarcerated in Pennsylvania (PA) City Jail, City Jail Administration, County Jail, Federal BOP Reentry & Treatment Facility, Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP), Police Department Jail, Private Facility, Re-entry & Treatment Facility, State Prison & State Prison Administration enrolled under Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (PADOC) database.

Pennsylvania Department of Corrections authority has managed prisoner's information by using central database system for you.

Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (PADOC) Inmate Lookup Search

  1. Open your internet browser
  2. Search for Pennsylvania DOC lookup website for inmates
  3. You will be asked to enter inmate details like name, age, id, gender and BOD in specific fields
  4. After you tap on the Submit button
  5. you would be able to see a detailed result page from where you can choose the specific inmate that you were looking for.
It is that simple!
Official Authority Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (PADOC)
Online Site http://www.cor.pa.gov/
Inmate Search for Pennsylvania http://inmatelocator.cor.pa.gov/
Location 1920 Technology Parkway, Mechanicsburg, PA 17050
Phone Number 717-728-2573

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List of Correctional Facilities, Prisons and Jails in Pennsylvania