How To Stay In Touch With Inmates Through Email or Letter

Looking for ways to communicate with someone in jail is obvious. Majority of the times, family members and friends prefer calls but there are other ways to stay in touch with inmates through letters, cards, books, and even email!

EmailTo Inmates If You Wish To Say Something Personal

The outside world may have eliminated the idea of writing letters but it makes a lot more sense when keeping in touch with someone in jail. emails are personal, detailed, and a safe way to contact them.

Moreover, they offer a type of emotional support that may be greater than receiving a 10 minute call. Prisoners can go through long letters and escape reality momentarily.

However, senders need to keep in mind that letter delivery can take time and even days. If the prison is put on lockdown, your letter may not be delivered for weeks until the restrictions are lifted.

Another thing to be mindful of is that sending a letter to inmate has its own rules and regulations. For example, you are not allowed to use crayons, glitters, stickers, pins, or a secret language.

You may also not want to include anything that is too important to be read by anyone else. This is because officers often go through the letter before passing them on.

You Are Also Allowed To Send Photos

Luckily, you can send pictures as well! Isn’t that a nice way to cheer them up? Majority of the correctional facilities allow inmates to keep the pictures and hang them in their cell if they want to. Such items are known to motivate them to behave better as they can then look forward to a free life with their loved ones.

As is the case with writing letters, you have to adhere to certain rules when sending photos to inmates.

Most importantly, these can not be larger than 4″ by 6″. Needless to say, sexual pictures, tattoos, hand gestures or disturbing images will not be accepted.

Tip: Don’t take help from external companies promising to delivery pictures to inmates. You can do it yourself and save up on a lot of money!

Some Facilities Permit Sharing Books, Magazines, Newspapers or Greeting Cards

Since prisons have a lot of free time, sharing stuff like books and newspapers is a pretty good idea! You should know their area of interest before you send in magazines so it could keep them entertained and occupies for hours.

Fortunately, all jails and prisons allow inmates to receive books and magazines as long as they are sent directly though publishers. You can simply find the publisher on Amazon and have it delivered to the cell through him/her.

Moreover, you can only send in new books, newspapers, or magazines. Anything use will not be forwarded to the inmate or it will be disposed off. Just make sure that you don’t just in more than 3 books and use the right mailing format (as given below) while posting, and you are good to go!

Helena Smith, 24680
Prison Name
P.O. Box 100
Any Town, New York 24680-2468

You Can Not Access Inmates Online Without Authorization

Regardless of what hundreds of websites promise, there is no way you can not send personalized messages to inmates over the internet. Inmates are not allowed access to internet or any of the social media site that can help you send or receive messages.

Emails To Inmates Can Only Be Sent Via TRULINCS

Although inmates do not have access to services like Gmail, they can contact via email using TRULINCS. The Trust Fund Limited Inmate Computer System lets them navigate emails easily and share with those outside.

However, this does not mean that they will be allotted their personal email address. In fact, Corrlinks will request you to make your account if the inmate wishes to contact you. The account set up does not come with extra charges. You can download the Corrlinks app to make it more convenient to send/receive messages.